CAPE Online Learning: Week 3
Welcome to CAPE’s Online Learning, Week 3 (April 13-17, 2020)
Here we are in Week 3 of CAPE’s Online Learning initiative! This week’s videos feature stop motion animation, gratitude journaling, a virtual field trip, and so much more. Explore, enjoy, and share! If you’d like to check out last week’s videos, click here to visit CAPE Online Learning: Week 2.
Click on the titles below to watch (you’ll stay on this page) or simply scroll down:
- Gratitude Journals, by Jordan Knecht
- Stop Motion Pt 2, by Dana Oesterlin
- Pre-Production Pt. 2 – Screenplays, by Ernest Whiteman III
- Positive Illustration/Message, by Shenequa Brooks & Jacki Limon
- Artes sin Barreras, by Noelle Garcia and Rachel Stempel
- Red Clay+CAPE Movement Class #2, by Leana Allen
- Reading the Golden Cadillac, Part 2, by Teju Adesida
- Red Clay Dance/CAPE Class, by Marceia Scruggs
- Big Marsh Virtual Field Trip, by Sonja Moser
- Drama Zoom Class, by Sonja Moser and Olga Nunez-Johnson
- Salsa Partners, by Lucila Roman
- Movement Warm Up Part 1 // Part 2 // Combined // Mirroring, by TK Buchanan
- Dream Fitness @ Home, by Carolyn Nicholson
- Stay Home Arts Instruction Warm Up // Origami Pt 1 // Origami Pt 2, by bAnansi Knowbody
- Costume Drawing, by Timothy Rey
- Making and Drawing Bubbles, by Andres Lemus-Spont
- Cooking Breakfast, by Sebrina Snowden
Gratitude Journals, by Jordan Knecht
Stop Motion Animation Pt 2, by Dana Oesterlin
Film 101: Pre-Production Pt. 2 – Screenplays, by Ernest Whiteman III
(see last week for Episode 2 of this series)
Positive Illustration/Message, by Shenequa Brooks & Jacki Limon
Artes sin Barreras, by Noelle Garcia and Rachel Stempel
Red Clay/CAPE Movement Class #2, by Leana Allen
Reading the Book Pt.2, by Teju Adesida
Red Clay Dance/CAPE Class, by Marceia Scruggs
Big Marsh Virtual Field Trip, by Sonja Moser
Drama Class, by Olga Nunez-Johnson and Sonja Moser
Salsa Partners, by Lucila Roman
Movement Warm Up Part 1 // Part 2 // Combined // Mirroring Technique, by TK Buchanan
Dream Fitness @ Home, by Carolyn Nicholson
Stay Home Arts Instruction Warm Up // Origami Pt 1 // Origami Pt 2, by bAnansi Knowbody
Costume Drawing, by Timothy Rey
Making and Drawing Bubbles, by Andres Lemus-Spont
Cooking Breakfast, by Sebrina Snowden <
Check back in with the CAPE Online Learning Hub next week for more videos from our teachers and teaching artists!