Make Your Mark, Leave a Legacy
Including CAPE in your estate plans is a wonderful and flexible way to support CAPE students and their communities for the long term. If you’re considering your lasting legacy and how to establish, document, and share your planned giving wishes, ask yourself a few questions…
- If money were no object, what impact would you like to have?
- How would you like to be remembered, and have your family remember about you? Do they know what causes are important to you and why?
- If you had the opportunity to expand CAPE’s mission and move our work forward, what would it look like and how might you do it?
CAPE’s planned giving program, the Creative Legacy Society, is a special group for donors who are ready to include CAPE in their future planned giving. Including CAPE in your estate plans is a wonderful and flexible way to support CAPE students and their communities for the long term.
If you’re interested in receiving information about how you can make a lasting difference for thousands of Chicago-area children, families, and educators, please click here to download our planned giving brochure. You can also click here to email Executive Director Amy Rasmussen to ask questions, request a physical brochure or request a call back.
With your planned gift, CAPE can…
• Grow our in-school and after-school programs to help even more students, families, and neighbors explore art, academics, technology, language, and community building.
• Provide thoughtful and responsive training to a larger number of public school educators that will help them incorporate creative and innovative practices into their classrooms.
• Conduct and publish new research that measures the value of the arts in education and helps CAPE refine our programs, year after year.
How to Make Charitable Gift Plans That Include CAPE
Bequest or trust provisions: Many individuals find comfort in knowing precisely how their estate will be distributed after death. You can designate all or a portion of your estate to benefit family, friends and charitable organizations like CAPE. This option allows you to make significant gifts to the people and causes that are important to you without making financial sacrifices during your lifetime.
To make a charitable provision for CAPE, you and your attorney may use the language below in your will or trust:
I want to join others who support Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) by designating $____________ or _______% of my estate to CAPE, Chicago, IL, to provide funding for (specific program, purpose, or general use) CAPE. (If my gift cannot be used for that specific purpose at the time my gift is received, my gift may be used to provide funding for the program(s) in greatest need, as determined by the President of CAPE and its Board of Directors.
Legal Name:
Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
1010 W 35th Street
Suite 697
Chicago, IL 60609
Contact Name:
Amy Rasmussen, Executive Director
Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
Tax ID #: 36-3969334
This video goes inside one CAPE classroom to reveal how our CAPE teaching artist weaves the arts into STEM projects at Durkin Park Elementary through comics and soft circuitry. In-depth, eye-opening projects like this are made possible by CAPE’s generous donors.
You can view many more inspiring videos that highlight CAPE students, educators, artists, and principals, at our YouTube channel.
And you can click here to learn more CAPE’s reach and impact by the numbers.