Since 1999, CAPE has conducted studies with implications for the field of arts integration, related to social emotional learning, academic success, and teacher growth.

Selected Bibliography

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Schroeder, G., Reyes, J., & Goubeaux, P. (2024). Moments, movements, and manifestations: documentation as medium in CAPE CoLab teaching (Unpublished program evaluation summary). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Schroeder, G., Reyes, J., & Goubeaux, P. (2024). The second-year experiences of teaching artists from the Collaboration Laboratory (CoLab) of Chicago Artists Partnerships in Education (CAPE) (Unpublished program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Preston, E. (2023). “Trust me, this is gonna become something”: agency through un/learning with materials in arts integration (Unpublished program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Smolin, L. (2023). STEAM Ahead (Unpublished program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Preston, E. (2023). Understanding agency across space and time in arts integrated learning (Unpublished research summary). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Schroeder, G., Reyes, J., & Goubeaux, P. (2023). Chicago Artists Partnerships in Education Collaboration Laboratory growing within an ecology of practices: the first-year experiences of teaching artists (Unpublished program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Preston, E. (2022). “Everyone logs out in their body now”: spatiotemporal agency in arts integrated learning (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Preston, E. (2019). Disrupting the place-ness of schools: reconstructing space through the arts (Unpublished research and evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Preston, E. (2017). Collaborative learning: an analysis of responses to tension in Collaboration Laboratory partnerships (Unpublished program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Kang, R. (2017). Defining and developing social engagement practices for arts-integration in public schools (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Vazquez, O. (2016). Sound Design Project (SDP): an integrative 3-year project involving sound teaching artists, music teaching artists, and classroom teachers (Unpublished research and program evaluation report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Scripp, L., Sutherland, S., & Gilbert, J. (2015). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education’s Portfolio Development Project (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Smolin, L. (2015). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education Portfolio Design Project (PDP) (Unpublished program evaluation). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Scripp, L., Sienkiewicz, F., Ulibarri, D., Sutherland, S., & Gilbert, J. (2014). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education Chicago Public Schools International Baccalaureate – Teaching Artist Project (IB-TAP) (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Smolin, L. (2014). International Baccalaureate Teaching Arts Project (IB-TAP) (Unpublished program evaluation). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Watts, S. (2013). SCALE—Productive Time, Transformed Space, Student-Adult Learning Relationships: A Study on Extended Learning through the Arts—Research (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

​​Scripp, L. (2012). Arts in education grant programs at the U.S. Department of Education impact in Chicago: increasing achievement for low performing students (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Scripp, L. (2012). Partnerships in arts integration research (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Paradis, L. (2011). [Measuring] the seen and unseen: how the veteran units foster student creativity (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Smolin, L. (2010). Contemporary arts practices As a Learning Process in Classrooms (Unpublished design seminar evaluation). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

Scripp, L., Burnaford, G., Bisset, A., Pereira, S., Frost, S., Yu, G. (2007, May 18). Developing Early Literacies through the Arts (DELTA): a final report (Unpublished report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education. 

deMoss, K., & Morris, T. (2002). How arts integration supports student learning: students shed light on the connections (Unpublished research report). Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Cawelti, L., Mueller, J., Dahn, M., Adesida, T., Cuéllar, N. & Peppler, K., (2024). An artist/researcher model for participatory action research in transdisciplinary learning contexts. VUE (Voices in Urban Education) 52(2).

Preston, E., Diaz, M., Sikkema, S., Rey, T., Robbins, G., & Clay, S. (2022, March). Reimagining arts-integrated structures and spaces through pandemic learning. In Harlow Shinas, V., Ly, C., Yilmaz Ozden, S., Cases on Practical Applications for Remote, Hybrid, and Hyflex Teaching. IGI Global.

Dahn, M., Yankova, N., Peppler, K., Sikkema, S., Spilberg, J., & Lee, J. (2022). ‘Way more relevant and a little less theoretical’: how teaching artists designed for online learning in a pandemic. In Passey, D. (Ed.), Learning, Media, and Technology 47(4) (pp. 456-470).

Sikkama, S. (2021). Navigating COVID-19 and school closures via a connected network of teachers, artists, and students. In Fasching-Varner, F., Bickmore, S., Hays, D., Schrader, P.G., Carlson, D., Anagnostopolous, D. (Eds.), The Corona Chronicles: On Leadership, Processes, Commitments, and Hope. DIO Press Inc. 

Sikkema, S., Lee, J., Spilberg, J., Dahn, M., Yankova, N., & Peppler, K. (2021, April 26). How arts education can unlock a closed curriculum. Kappanonline.

Sikkema, S., Lee, J., Spilberg, J., Dahn, M., Yankova, N., & Peppler, K. (2021, May).  How arts education can unlock a closed curriculum. Phi Delta Kappan, 102(8), (pp.20-25).

Sikkema, S., Smolin, L., Spilberg, J., Diaz, M., & Preston, E. (2019, May 1). Digital media explorations: how space and identity become sources of learning. In Pyles, D., Rish, R., Warner, J. (Eds.), Negotiating Place and Space through Digital Literacies: Research and Practice. Information Age Publishing.

Smolin, L. (2016, November 2). Art/research making in the school lives of CAPE students. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Sikkema, S. (2016, June 15). Introducing the CAPE artist/researcher model. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Sikkema, S., Cotton, P., Duignan, J., & Lucero, J. (2015). Engaged education and the schools. In Smith (Ed.) Institutions and Imaginaries. Chicago Social Practice History Series, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Scripp, L., & Paradis, L. (2014). Embracing the burden of proof: new strategies for determining predictive links between arts integration teacher professional development, student arts learning, and student academic achievement outcomes. In Goldberg, M., Smith, V., Walker E. (Eds.), Journal for Learning through the Arts, 10(1).

deMoss, K. (2008). How arts integration supports student learning: students shed light on the connections. In Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education’s Research and Evaluation Series. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Scripp, L. (2007). A final report: developing early literacies through the arts. In Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education’s Research and Evaluation Series. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.

Burnaford, G., Aprill, A., & Weiss, C. (Eds.). (2001). Renaissance in the Classroom: Arts Integration and Meaningful Learning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Preston, E. A. & Knecht, J. (2024). “Trust me, this is gonna be something”: Agency Through Un/Learning with Materials in Arts Integration. In Lindgren, R., Asino, T. I., Kyza, E. A., Looi, C. K., Keifert, D. T., & Suárez, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2024 (pp. 2397-2398). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Cawelti, L., Chew, P., Adesida, T., Cuéllar, N., & Peppler, K. (2024). Positionality shifts through theatre arts practices. In General Proceedings of the 4th International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting.

Yankova, N., Dahn, M., Peppler, K., Lee, J., Montgomery, A., Moser, S., & Sikkema, S. (2022, June). “Keeping them with us”: constructing equitable online spaces for the theatre classroom. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y. Kali, (Eds.) International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All, ICLS Proceedings, 16th Annual International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (pp. 2138-2139).

Sikkema, S., Diaz, M., Adesida, T., Peppler, K., Dahn, M., & Preston, E. (2023). Sustaining and expanding networks of artist/researchers. In Lefebre, A., Mairesse, P. (Eds.), Trans-Generatives2030 Augmented Proceedings, Dysfunction #8-9, (pp.2-3).

Dahn, M., Yankova, N., Peppler, K., Lee, J., Montgomery, A., Sikkema, S., & Spilberg, J. (2021, June 8-11). Learning to be open: expansive family networks, emotional support, and shared practices as connection pathways. In Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting.

Preston, E. & Spilberg, J. (2020). Reconstructing Space Through the Arts. In Gresalfi, M. and Horn, I. S. (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 2 (pp. 781-782). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Preston, E. A., Diaz, M., & Phouybanhdyt, B. (2024, October). Deepening material engagement: An inquiry into professional development on new materialism. Workshop session at the annual Illinois Arts Education Association conference in Normal, Illinois, United States.

Cawelti, L., Chew, P., Adesida, T., & Peppler, K. (2024, June 10-14). Co-creating space in virtual culinary afterschool: insights from materials and practices [Conference presentation]. 4th International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting. Buffalo, New York, United States.

Preston, E. A., Diaz, M., & Phouybanhdyt, B.  (2024, May). Artist/researcher: new materialist inquiry into arts-integration. Poster presentation at the annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, United States.

Preston, E. A., Diaz, M., & Phouybanhdyt, B. (2024, May). “Everyone logs out in their body now”: spatiotemporal agency in arts-integrated learning. Poster presentation at the annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, United States.

Preston, E. A., Phouybanhdyt, B., & Diaz, M. (2024, April ). Arts education and materiality. Session at Young Audiences Arts for Learning National Conference in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Cawelti, L., Dahn, M., Peppler, K., Adesida, T., Cuéllar, N., Livas, M., Meryhew, N., & Sikkema, S. (2023, June 10-15). “Let’s go; we’re writing a song”: co-creating auditory and placial space in an afterschool music program [Conference presentation]. 3rd International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting. Montréal, Canada.

Cawelti, L., Peppler, K., Adesida, T., & Mueller, J. (2023, June 1-2). Enacting an artist/researcher model in research practice partnership [Conference presentation]. Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA), Virtual Conference, Denver, Colorado, United States. 

Dahn, M., Peppler, K., Sikkema, S., & Adesida, T. (2023, April 13-16). Physical and relational space making through representational videos of arts afterschool programs [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, United States. 

Yankova, N., Dahn, M., Peppler, K., Lee, J., Montgomery, A., Sikkema, S., Spilberg, J., & Adesida, T. (2022, April 21-26). Performing arts in the digital space: handling uncertainty by reshaping expectations and seizing opportunities [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, United States. 

Sikkema, S., Diaz, M., Adesida, T., Peppler, K., Dahn, M., & Preston, E. (2022, March 17). Sustaining and expanding networks of artist/researchers [Conference presentation]. Trans-Generatives2030, Virtual Conference, Nancy, France.

Owens, C., Diaz, M., Preston, E. A., and Ulrich Papczun, K. (2022, February). Illuminating the shadows: Transformative potentials of critical art engagement in education theory and practice. Symposium at the annual UIC College of Education Research Day Conference. Chicago, Illinois, United States. (remote)

Preston, E., & Batres Spezza, S. (2022, February). Understanding agency in arts integrated school contexts: A literature review. Poster Presentation at annual UIC College of Education Research Day Conference. Chicago, Illinois, United States. (remote)

Peppler, K., Dahn, M., Sedas, M., Yankova, N., Sikkema, S., Spilberg, J., Lee, J., & Montgomery, A. (2021, July 7-30). The connected arts learning framework: insights from CAPE [Conference presentation]. Connected Learning Summit (CLS), Virtual Conference. 

Dahn, M., Yankova, N., Peppler, K., Lee, J., Montgomery, A., Sikkema, S., & Spilberg, J. (2021, June 8-11). Learning to be open: expansive family networks, emotional support, and shared practices as connection pathways [Conference presentation]. International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Bochum, Germany, Virtual Conference.

Preston, E., & Diaz, M. (2020, November). Parallax as a generative tension: The challenges and potentials of expansive transitions in arts integrated partnerships. Poster Presentation, Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference. Madison, Wisconsin, United States. (remote)

Preston, E.A., & Smolin, L. (2020, February). Letting go: The mediating role of collaboration and technology in professional learning. Poster Presentation at annual UIC College of Education Research Day Conference in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Abas, S., Connors, S., Daugherty, E., Gibbons Pyles, D., Gonzalez, C., Jackson, W., Jurich, C., Pleasants, H., Preston, E. A., Rish, R., Rust, J., Saunders,  J., Smolin, L., & Warner, J. (2019, February). Digital literacies research for equity, inclusion, and disruption of places and spaces. Panel at annual National Council of Teachers of English Assembly of Research conference in Birmingham, Alabama, United States.

Smolin, L., & Spilberg, J. (2017). Presentation at the Advance Improvement in Education Conference (AIE), San Antonio, Texas, United States.

Schroeder, G., & Reyes, J. (2024, May 30) CAPE CoLab documentation: moments, movements and manifestations. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Chicago, IL, United States.

Griffin, N., Spilberg, J., Issac, E., Rosen., R., Phalen, S., & Adesida, T. (2024, March 7). CAPE dialogue: what is a community?. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Chicago, IL, United States.

Smolin, L., Sanei, J., Stefl, J., Whitehouse, P., Cranch, M., Knecht, J., Moore, K., & Sprecher D. (2023, September 27). CAPE presents STEAM Ahead: launching STEM + arts curricula for any school or district!. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Chicago, IL, United States.

Storr, A., Moore, S., Rey, T., & Diaz., M. CAPE dialogue: looking and listening in slow motion. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Miles, M., Ferreira, K., Kato, A., Montgomery, A., & Lee, J. (2021, April 12). CAPE dialogue: what is a body?. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Odunlami, A., Sohrabi, S., van Eck, T., & Diaz, M. (2021, February 4). CAPE dialogue: what is publicness?. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Velazquez, M., McKay, R., Bowen, K., & Spilberg, J. (2020, December 16). CAPE dialogue: what is a network?. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Jardim, G., Castillero, B., Reyes, J., Halverson, E., & Sikkema, S. (2020, November 17). CAPE dialogue: what is a classroom?. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Quintana, E., Mannebach, J., & Diaz, M. (2020, September 18). A dialogue on investigating social emotional learning & trauma. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Atamian, A., Flores, M., Mueller, J., Ramos, L., Roque, R., Schroeder, G., & Spilberg, J. (2020, August 25). A dialogue on family learning and art making during the pandemic. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Foster, J., Freeman, L., Knecht, J., Maxwell, R., Huynh McTighe, A., Mari, K., & Spilberg, J. (2020, July 29). Musicians and music educators. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Fischer, M., Wylie, N., & Diaz, M. (2020, July 15). Artists in dialogue. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.

Nguyen, P., Estrada, W., & Spilberg, J. (2020, June 24). Artists in dialogue. Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Virtual Dialogue.