CAPE Classroom Projects, From Start to Finish

Explore the real project examples below to see how some of our teachers and teaching artists develop, teach, and reflect on their arts integrated curricula.

Engineering + Kinetic Sculptures at Goudy Elementary
Check out a 3rd grade project from the 2016-2017 school year that integrated engineering and kinetic sculptures.
Dance + History at Henry Elementary
Learn about a 2nd grade project that integrated dance with social science and history.
Self Publishing at North-Grand High School
Learn about a project from our after-school program that helped high school students explore zines and self publishing.
Visual Art + Communications at Vaughn Occupational High School
Check out a super hero project from the 2015-2016 school year that integrated visual art and communications in a special needs classroom.
Arabic + Music at Lindblom Math & Science Academy
Learn about a high school project that explored Arabic language and culture through music and vocal performance.
Biology + Sculpture + Identity at Boone Elementary
Read about a 3rd grade project where students explored their identities while learning about bird anatomy and creating wearable sculptures.

STEAM Ahead Project

Browse unit outlines, professional development content, and a class activity archive as curated resources that you can use at your school or district!

STEAM Ahead is a project funded through the Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination (AAEDD) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

See More Work From Our CAPE Classrooms

Work from our CAPE Classrooms is regularly featured in public exhibitions and on our CAPE blog.