CAPE Welcomes Kyle Johnson to the board!

 In Board of Directors, Get to Know our Board, The CAPE Blog

We are so excited to share that Kyle Johnson has joined the CAPE Board of Directors!

Kyle is a technological strategist with 9+ years of experience contributing to high-growth teams within the software industry. He has been with Adobe for the last 5 years and has held various roles focusing on the intersection of consumer data, online video, and self-serve advertising technologies. In his newest role as a Solutions Consultant for Adobe Sign, he helps clients realize the value of electronic signatures to increase their document velocity, improve internal operations, and lower their environmental impact through the reduction of paper processes.

He’s previously been a guest lecturer and participated in panels at the University of Pennsylvania, Loyola, Northwestern, and at Advertising Week in New York City. Kyle currently lives in Bucktown with his wife Sheila, his 3-year-old daughter, and miniature poodle LeBron.

“CAPE’s mission to engage students, inspire teachers, and demonstrate impact through arts integrations in Chicago speaks to me on a personal level. Growing up in Upstate New York in the 90s, I was a beneficiary of the tireless work of individuals in the non-profit space. The out-of-school programs I was a part of – such as the YMCA, 15-Love, and Odyssey of the Mind – ignited my passion for learning in ways that conventional schooling did not. CAPE provides a similar opportunity right here in Chicago to help kids who might have trouble connecting to coursework in a traditional way. Providing that spark to kids and giving them the small push that they need to excel is one of the best feelings in the world. CAPE does just that and so much more.

Being on the CAPE board gives me an opportunity to work with like-minded individuals who are committed to making the world a better place for future generations. The events of the last year, both through the COVID-19 epidemic that ravaged Black and Brown communities and the racial justice reckoning we faced collectively as a nation, have made it clearer than ever that the opportunities that CAPE provides children are invaluable.”

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