Artist/Researcher Partners 2024-2025 Awardees
CAPE’s long-term in-school program Artist/Researcher Partners has begun! CAPE is proud to announce the teachers, teaching artists, and schools that have been selected for the 2024-2025 school year!
Artist/Researcher Partners projects are selected through a request for proposal process that invites both returning and new teachers from Chicago public schools with which CAPE has established relationships. The proposal asks teacher and teaching artist teams to create arts integration projects focusing on collaborative inquiry with their students and schools. This year, CAPE received 56 proposals and granted 45 awards.
Newton Bateman Elementary School
Teacher: Samantha Soto
Teaching Artist: Betsy Zacsek
Marvin Camras Elementary School
Teacher: Marilyn Baez
Teaching Artist: Niema Qureshi
William E. Dever Elementary School
Teacher: Tabita Sherfinski
Teaching Artist: Sze Lin Pang
Durkin Park Elementary School
Teacher: Luz Santellano
Teaching Artist: Niema Qureshi
Walter Henri Dyett High School for the Arts
Teacher: Lashaun Cox
Teaching Artist: Lionel Freeman
Gillespie Technology Magnet Cluster School
Teacher: Cale Patton
Teaching Artist: Mirza Shams
Ray Graham Training Center High School
Teacher: Katie Kurisch
Teaching Artist: Niema Qureshi
Patrick Henry Elementary School
Teacher: Marybel Cortes
Teaching Artist: Ayako Kato
Lake View High School
Teachers: Alicia Acosta, Valerie Wadycki
Teaching Artist: Jason Roebke
Mosaic School of Fine Arts
Teachers: Simone Main, Gustavo Soto
Teaching Artist: Gwen Terry
John B. Murphy Elementary School
Teachers: Peter DeLaurentis, Angelene Pair, Samantha Parrish, Penny Shultz
Teaching Artists: Molly Cranch, Margy Stover, Margy Stover
William K. New Sullivan Elementary School
Teachers: Tracy Netter, Leticia Pineda
Teaching Artists: Jessica Mueller, Shenequa Brooks, Jordan Knecht
North-Grand High School
Teachers: Sierra LeSure, Annelise Tanis, Amy Schachman
Teaching Artists: Kayla Anderson
Louis Pasteur Elementary School
Teachers: Arturo Barrera, Maria Fieldman, Carmen Guzman, Cande Rodriguez, Margaret Rux
Teaching Artist: Chuck Jones
John T. Pirie Fine Arts & Academic Center Elementary School
Teachers: Robin DaSilva, Marquetta Foote
Teaching Artist: Mirza Shams
Ravenswood Elementary
Teacher: Catherine Conde
Teaching Artist: John Neff
Spry Community Links School
Teachers: Erica Armendariz, Jesse Connor, Maribel Delgadillo
Teaching Artists: Jessica Mueller, David Sprecher
STEM Magnet Academy
Teacher: Magdalena Sandoval
Teaching Artist: Betsy Zacsek
Douglas Taylor Elementary School
Teacher: Andre Porter
Teaching Artist: Jessica Mueller
Jacqueline B. Vaughn Occupational High School
Teachers: Shannon Fitzpatrick, Kelly Fischer, Jeremy Green, Laura Smith, Sydney Tauber
Teaching Artists: Jennifer Mannebach, Chuck Jones, Jessica Mueller
Thomas J. Waters Elementary School
Teachers: Aidan Currie, Chris Landis, Olga Nunez-Johnson, Sylvia Rafalowitz
Timothy David Rey, Jason Roebke, Betsy Zacsek