Publishing is at the core of my creative practice. Since the late 1990s I’ve worked on or self-published over two hundred works—from double-sided sheets of paper to booklets to newspapers and [...]
Marc Fischer, one of CAPE’s most innovative teaching artists, has been working with the Barack Obama School of Leadership and STEM SD163 in south suburban Chicago Heights. In this post, […]
North-Grand Students Get Creative, Make Connections: Our COVID-19 High School Remote Learning After School Art Sketchbook For the past year and a half students have felt the pressure of the […]
Welcome to CAPE’s Online Learning, Week 2 (April 4-10, 2020) Thanks for checking out Week 2 of CAPE’s Online Learning initiative! This week’s videos feature some repeat creators [...]
Welcome to CAPE’s Online Learning, Week 1 (March 30-April 3, 2020) Here you’ll find videos created by our teachers and teaching artists during the first week of CAPE’s Online Learning [...]
It’s Mother’s Day and we want to share some odes to Mom, written by CAPE students at North-Grand High School. These poems and others were featured last fall at Odes and […]
How are voices and stories from overlooked, liminal social spaces elevated? How are marginalized cultural perspectives depicted to convey new ideas of self and community that are often sidelined [...]
CAPE is proud to present ODES and TATTOOS, an exhibition of multidisciplinary artwork from North-Grand High School, and part of the City of Chicago’s Year of Creative Youth showcase at the […]